Massif de Minkébé

Ecosystème et paysage culturel pygmée du massif de Minkébé has been part of the Tentative list of Gabon.
Massif de Minkébé is a living, associative cultural landscape located in the rainforests of the Congo Basin. It is the home of Pygmy and Bantu populations. It is characterized by pristine tropical forest and wetland ecosystems that protect communities of rare and endangered animal and plant species.
Map of Massif de Minkébé
Load mapThe coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.
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Site History
2022 Removed from Tentative List
2005 Referred
Better documentation, protection and work on a transboundary nomination encompassing the Baka community
2003 Added to Tentative List
Site Links
Unesco Website: Ecosystème et paysage culturel pygmée du massif de Minkébé